Male infertility treatment in South Delhi

What is male infertility/andrology ?

Infertility in men can be due to multiple reasons, it requires time and tests to know the root cause of the problem. If men are facing the problem of infertility, then they must not worry as this problem can be treated and cured. We at AngelHopeClinic provide you with the best team of specialists, headed by Dr. Suyesha, who is one of the best male infertility specialists in Delhi, to look after you. If the patient is not cured by the treatment, then surgery is the last resort (i.e.: Varicocelectomy).

There are some infections, which might cause infertility in males. There is nothing to worry about as these infections can be cured by the use of antibiotics. Book an appointment with Dr. Suyesha Khanijao, who is one of the best male fertility specialists in South Delhi. Dr. Suyesha is rendering her services in Angels HopeClinic which provides one of the best Male Infertility Treatment In South Delhi so that males are cured from the problem of infertility. If a person is suffering from the problems of premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, he can be cured with the help of medication and counseling so that it helps in the restoration of fertility.

Retrograde ejaculation: In retrograde ejaculation, the semen enters the bladder of the person and gets stored in it. It often results in low sperm count. It can be cured with the help of medicines and surgery as well.

Epididymal Blockage: The blockage of epididymal can obstruct the flow of sperms through natural means. With the help of surgery, epididymal blockage can be cured without any complications.

Different types of surgeries to cure male infertility:

Varicocelectomy: It helps in treating varicocele, which is the routine cause of infertility in men. In this process, the enlarged veins in the scrotum are channeled and the neighboring arteries and lymph vessels are being spared.

Vasovasostomy: Vasovasostomy is about the reversal of the vasectomy surgery. In this, vas deferens are sealed, cut, or clamped. During the surgery, the surgeon refurbishes the separated vas deferens with stitches. It allows the easy passage of sperm.

Electroejaculation: In the rectum, an electroejaculator or electric probe is inserted and placed against the prostate gland. Ejaculation is stimulated using high-frequency energy. The ejaculate is taken and used in IVF treatments.

If you are a victim of a male infertility problem, you should visit our centre which provides one of the best male infertility treatments In South Delhi and meet our urologist.